Devlog Week 5 Louise

I am a little late for this post, yesterday was feriado so I forgot I had work to do.

This week I have been adding some fonctionnalities to the prototype. I was in charge of implementing the final scene (to pick up the tooth, and to replace it by a coin) as well as the vision cones of the AI.

For the first fonctionnality, I added to the character controller the ability to pick up object, hold them in the hands and drop them or throw them when desired. 

For the vision cones, so far I coded it such that a game over screen appears if the character enters the cones of the AI, but we should change that and instead start increasing the alert meter when the player enters the cone.

Besides that, I also started designing the menu and game over screens using the color palette when had agreed on.

Get Tooth Fairy


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Can you share some images of the screens?