DevLog W5 Thor

Good evening!
This week I've been mainly working on the prototype. My focus has been on the character controller, working on the different wand abilities of the player. I also started on the level design, with some sketches and using the Snap prototypes from the unity asset store. We realized that we won't be able to do 3 levels and have instead settled on one more polished level.
I've been extending and learning more about the UFPS framework, but it has also done some things harder than it is just scripting it on my own. Therefore I settled on a mix between outside scripts and using the built-in UFPS scripts. At some point I had a rendering issue where either the player wand or the player's hand would be occluding the other mesh. After some help from Ricardo, it turned out to be the fact that both shaders were using the transparency shader. The fix turned out to be to dynamically change the shader of the player's hand in runtime, whenever they are toggling the invisibility powerup. 
The plan forward is to refine the character controls and finish the map.  

Get Tooth Fairy


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Sure, here is a video for the controller. Currently regarding the flapping I tried experimenting with wing meshes for visualizing, but it really did not work well. I added some particle effects now and will add visual aid later on to increase immersion.

I recall we discussed having some feedback for the wing “flapping” (visual or hearing aids), were you able to implement something like that?

Can you share a gameplay video showcasing the character movements?